League of Legends: Visual Update coming soon for Ahri and Udyr!

Similarly with the VFX updates made in the past (* Ziggs, Thresh, Lux, etc * ), we are working on other VFXs for many other champions whose skill "effects" need some love. Our goal is to bring their VFX to the current League standards and make their gameplay clearer. In patch 10.15, we will release the VFX Update for Ahri and Udyr!
[Basic Attacks] Clean bullets and effects.
[ Q] - New bullet and new effect. Now show the current hitbox. When the passive is loaded, the bullets are green.
[W] - New foxes of fire, bullets and effects on the shot. Clean and modernized effects.
[E] - Cleaned the bullet, it now appears more modern and shows more clearly the real hitbox.
[R] - New launch and effects on the ground, bullets and on the hit.
By watching the video you can see the effects in the various versions of Ahri!
[Basic attacks] - New effects on strike.
[Q ] - New transformation effects and the symbol at the top. The Tiger has new DoT (Damage on Time) effects
[W] - New transformation effects and the symbol at the top. The Turtle has a new shield and new healing effects.
[E] - New transformation effects and the symbol above. The Bear has a new stun effect.
[R] - New transformation effects and the symbol at the top. The Phoenix has new AoE (Area on Effect) effects
Obviously, these changes have not entered the PBE nor in the Live Servers, so further modifications may be made.
What do you think?
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Last modified: July 8, 2020