Kodak, from photography to hydroxychloroquine

Kodak Pharmaceuticals is born, with Trump's placet
It is the anti-malarial medicine considered by some to be effective in the fight against coronavirus. Sponsored among others by Donald Trump (as well as by his son Donald Jr who has suffered limitations on social networks for this), to date it is not officially recognized as a cure for the disease. In our country, both the Italian Medicines Agency and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità have spoken on the issue, warning about the risks associated with taking it without a prescription or medical supervision.The President of the USA in a speech a few hours ago, he commented enthusiastically on the use of the Defense Production Act to drop the check and concentrate the production of drugs in the United States.
It's a great name if you think about it. A great name. It was one of the largest in the world, then digital came and Kodak was unable to adapt, but now under the leadership of an extraordinary leadership it is moving into a new territory that attracts some of the best talents on the planet.
Founded in New York in 1888, Kodak has characterized and influenced the evolution of technologies related to photography in the analog era, playing a leading role especially in the production of the film, then losing, however, gradually market shares, with the advent of digital. Ten years ago, the first serious financial problems, followed shortly by the declaration of bankruptcy , from the disposal of patents and, subsequently, from the creation of new business related activities such as 3D printing and industrial. In 2015 the launch, but did not achieve the success hoped for, a smartphone from the vintage style.
Source: DFC