Is Ghost of Tsushima the most popular title for PS4?

Precisely, The Last of Us Part 2 found itself at the center of a real cultural war in the gaming field, victim of the phenomenon of Review Bombing, in which hordes of users rush to evaluate a title negatively for the most disparate reasons, with the aim of lowering the average rating of the game. The negative reviews for the title of Naughy Dog, in fact, flung out of proportion on Metacritic from the first moments of launch, currently affecting 130,000 user reviews on the site, which divides those who loved the game and who, even, hated it - feeling negative and dissent out of reach which also exploded on YouTube and Twitter.
Ghost of Tsushima, however, is going through the situation exactly the opposite. As you can see, the story of the protagonist, Jin Sakai, has obtained the highest average score of any game PS4 – equal to 9.3/10 . Apparently, in fact, the audience is literally worshipping the work of Sucker Punch. There is to say that compared to The Last of Us Part 2 has an advantage, that is, users were obliged to wait some hours before you can publish a review . The latest title in Naughty Dog, however, has been attacked hard from the outset. Also, Ghost of Tsushima has already 11.000 reviews, a total that widely exceeds the average achieved by other video games. For comparison, there are few titles that end up to overcome a 9/10 in total. For example, Breath of the Wild – awarded as the Best Game of the Year at the GDC Awards 2018 – has a score of 8.6 on Metacritic. Red Dead Redemption 2 , however, is 8.4 . To get close to the 9.3 of the Ghost of Tsushima to mention God of War, The Last of Us 1 and The Witcher 3, evaluated all three with 9.2 . Ghost of Tsushima was able to manifest a level of balance between the specialized critics and the world of the users of a work .
Therefore, we should think of the title Sucker Punch is the best game for PlayStation 4? On Metascore Ghost of Tsushima got a 83/100 and ranked in the 17th place among the exclusive PlayStation of all time. However, the perception of the public is just that. Therefore, if it is not the best, certainly the Ghost of Tsushima remains one of the best games of this generation .
you Can buy Ghost of Tsushima on Amazon, by clicking here .