The editorialist of Corriere della Sera united the movida of the less well-off and coronaviruses, accusing the young of the "murky purpose of sowing the contagion" among the rich: how is it possible to publish similar things in the main Italian newspaper? (photo: Fotogramma / Ipa) In a scenario worthy of a film by George Romero, yesterday's editorial by Ernesto Galli della Loggia on the front page of Corriere della Sera designed the historic centers of our big cities as besieged by hordes of young people greasers escaped from the electrified fences of the suburbs and ready to infect the good living rooms "by spitting on the intercoms of the lucky ones who live in the center" in a sort of confused class revenge (yes, he wrote just like in quotation marks).
According to the historical commentator of the main Italian newspaper, the "periphery theme" - which should be the heart of his article - would thus be linked to the health emergency. As if Trastevere, Piazza di Spagna, Navigli or Brera were every night a destination for "night punitive expeditions without masks" (we still quote it, and still incredulous) similar to barbarian invasions. Some passages of the prestigious comment do not even make the effort not to seem words from the ancient regime:
It seems, almost as if the murky intention of sowing contagion, of infecting society 'for good' together with the places it inhabits. To destroy what they can't have
As you can use certain words , or even just have this total lack of understanding of the world, on the most important Italian newspaper remains a mystery. But the point is another, that is the hinterland that lies behind the reflection, that reflection seems like an unconditional reflex, a kind of impulse of self-preservation. Other that cancel cultures : Italy finishes in black and white the first regurgitation that escape on the keyboard. Yet the theme would be huge: because you can entrust it to those who do not evidently neither the desire nor the tools to delve into it in a serious way? It will sound obvious to some, but the Guardian or the Washington Post would never have published a tirade of the genre, putting their respectability?
“ where are we ever to come in a large majority of the crowds of young people everywhere are waving the Italian nights this summer? ”– writes the historian and academic – from where, if not from the nice suburbs , from the remote districts, dormitories, roads badly lit, that ends in nothing? ”. So, you will discover, with a climate that is distressing that fits almost like a meatloaf in a realistic nineteenth-century “ at dusk of every evening, ” the army of the nightlife – always him, that in the darkest times he had even attempted to regain the Navigli – you down in the squares and in the historic centers of the city. For what reason? Not possibly to drink a beer and a chat, but because he has a diabolical plan . Young people are “ possessed by a desire of revenge; ” that today manifests itself in the caring of precautions and masks, making a “ mockery of in this way, each rule of civil coexistence ”. If he did not do to laugh would seem to be a description of the manzonian plague, a favolaccia from the conspiracy theory: instead, it is Galli della Loggia in 2020. We are at the limit of the hallucinations: not only with a silly generalization, but also with a serious lack of awareness of how they work in the Italian cities.
apart from that in the historical centres that do not live almost no one , and the desertification of these months – especially in Rome – tells if anything, the opposite: that cities are discounting the fact that he thought their nuclei ancient little more than a playground for tourists and chess sets of the income, housing and business in favour of digital platforms that allow – not always transparent – monetization. Without the tourists, in fact, you see very little people around. And it would be still less if the outcasts of the suburbs, so reviled by the columnist do not you would grant an ice-cream and a walk to enjoy the beauty in this strange summer without visitors.
The next step in your comment serves to nail the real culprits: they are precisely the young people of the suburbs , others do not, those who are spreading the pandemic night in healthy and clean bodies of the burghers; they are wild beasts who want to poison the few rare specimens that remained of the defense of civilization. Their fault, the friends of the lounges, as we spit the virus on the intercom: unfortunately, we live in a “ dramatic situation of hardship, of inequality of standard socio-cultural ” that drives them to become ruthless transparency vindictive that it remains the “ weapon of retaliation ”. People obviously have no values, genetically predisposed to the contagion of the most ready as in a print medieval siege of the fortress.
The conflict of class, or rather classes, there is still, for charity. It consumes between stability and precariousness, between rich income and low-paid work, on training and on the prospects for family members. And without a doubt, in many cases, is exacerbated by the housing crisis, from the control of the territory of organized crime, from failure of some pharaonic projects (such as, in Rome, the forget new urban centres), from a city that is always bigger and worse served. But these interventions, this stuff here does not serve to fuel a serious debate: are good material of comic that we hope someone – maybe Zerocalcare? – recover quickly in a sketch or in a table. So that you can justify the paper on which they are printed, at least.