IBM Italy: software for early diagnoses

IBM Italy and Meyer Foundation: diagnostic software
The operation of the software is described as follows by the technicians involved in this important evolution in the service of children's health:The software tracks the steps required in the management of genomic analyzes of neurological interest. These are complex exams, which in most cases take place "step by step" and constitute the building blocks of a very complex process. The solution, jointly promoted by the Meyer Foundation and the IBM Italy Foundation and based on the IBM Case Manager, allows accurate monitoring of the entire path of molecular investigations and facilitates continuous dialogue between the clinical component of the Meyer Center of Excellence in Neuroscience and the different professional figures present in the Neurogenetics laboratory. Thanks to this software it will be possible to trace a sort of dynamic and always updated "photograph" of the diagnostic process of many of the more than 1000 children who each year require the services of the laboratory to which they belong, on indication of the Meyer Center of Neuroscience Excellence and than many other Italian centers.
The benefits are important from a point of view, very pragmatic: the best process of genetic diagnosis, with significant impact in terms of improvement of the traceability of the analytical process and the management of clinical risk . As an open system, everything is also more open to future evolutions, thus leaving room for further improvements that can express even more potential.
“ We are very proud of this collaboration with the Meyer Foundation, “ explains Alessandra Santacroce, President of the IBM Foundation Italy: “ The greatest satisfaction for us is to be able to respond to a challenge to support the work of doctors and researchers who have to manage cases
complex to the health of children “.