Huawei is the first manufacturer in the world for smartphone sales

Exceeds Samsung and establishes itself as the market leader. The biggest success comes from sales in China thanks to the post-Covid-19 recovery
Passer-by in front of a Huawei shop in Beijing (photo Vcg / Vcg via Getty Images) The Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei closes its second quarter 2020 with a historical result. For the first time, the Shenzhen group outperforms rival manufacturers Samsung and Apple and ranks number one in smartphone sales worldwide. The analysis company Canalys reports that the Chinese technology company has sold over 55.8 million smartphones worldwide over the past three months, thus surpassing Samsung which has stopped at 53.7 million units. >Moreover, the record number of sales shows a slight decrease of 5% compared to the previous year, obviously due to the consequences of the containment measures put in place by the governments to face the Covid-19 emergency, but also to the severe restrictions put in place by the United States against the Asian giant. This result is mainly due to the boost from the domestic market, given that sales across China have risen by 8% since last March, when the first timid signs of recovery began to be seen in the country, while sales on the external market have dropped. 27%.
Today the Chinese market accounts for 70% of all Huawei sales, while the market share of Samsung in the Asian country is less than 1%. The latter also suffered more from the backlash of the lockdown starting from March in the reference markets such as Europe, the United States, Brazil and India, as Canalys senior analyst Ben Stanton points out, reporting a collapse in the second quarter sales of over 30% compared to the same period of 2019.
And on the recovery of the chinese economy that pushes the internal market of smartphones seems to be also the american group, Qualcomm , the top chip manufacturers for mobile devices in the world, which has just signed an agreement to license its with Huawei, in particular for the development of technologies for 5G , driving up the value of its shares more than 12% in trading after hours, as reported by Bloomberg .
But if the chinese market shows a strong recovery for Huawei, on the international front, tensions seem to be more and more strong. More than a year, the american president, Donald Trump has put in place a real trade war against China to the sound of the duties and Huawei has certainly been among the companies most affected. In may, the president, Trump has also been extended until 2021 the ban on chinese group on collaboration with american companies, except for special licenses, for applying pressure on various countries to follow the same line.
And the consequences did not wait. Britain has decided to limit the role of Huawei in the construction of the 5G , to possible risks to national security, and the same had made Tim a few days before, excluding the chinese group, by the companies that will participate in the construction of its core network of the fifth generation in Italy.