Halo Infinite: everything 343 Industries has confirmed

343 Industries has confirmed that Halo Infinite will be set in a period following the events of Halo 5. Cortana - the fearsome artificial intelligence that commands the Prometheans - has disappeared, while Master Chief has been drifting in space for some time. He will be found by a character called Pilot, probably also lost. In search of putting the pieces of the puzzle together, we will come across Banished, a group of dangerous exiles who want to conquer their place in the universe. In the past, Halo 4 and 5 have been highly criticized for the difficulty of fully understanding their story. However, Halo Infinite will be a title that can reward the experience of the most veteran players, without excluding those who, for various reasons, have lost the entire franchise. Therefore, Halo Infinite will be the link between the conclusion of past events and the beginning of an incredible new era.Halo Infinite will be among the titles available at the launch of the Xbox Series X
Finally, came the confirmation: Halo Infinite will be an open world title . Also, according to the producer, the game will present to us the largest campaign ever seen, even more than Halo 4 and 5 put together . We have large areas available to explore and power-ups, unlockable through side-quests. There will be plenty of moments of “nostalgia” that will bring the most seasoned memories remote of the first Halo, and at the same time, we'll have fun with the news that the title brings with it, handing the player an exciting and mysterious at the same time. Also, the game time will develop into a cycle of day and night complete, showing us landscapes and environments more alive as populated by wild animals. However, it excludes the possibility of interacting with them. The presence of a grappling hook on Halo Infinite has been officially confirmed. It will be called "camping out" Shot, and we can use it to swing taking advantage of the environments and, probably, even inflict a mortal blow. For the fighting system , also we have new and interesting weapons, but will also the most classic and a favourite with the fans. For example, we point out the Mangler, a gun that shoots bullets kinetic to inflict serious damage on a new rifle riot of the UNSC called CQS48 Bulldog and the Pulse Carbine, which seems to be a new version of the classic Cinebine Carbine.Conclusion
Halo Infinite will be a new and interesting point of departure, and it is worth experimenting empirically the surprises that will give us the title, it is clear. The only problem is that, as the big exclusive Xbox Series X, we would expect that the Halo Infinite exploit fully the hardware of the next Microsoft console, but apparently it will not be so. The game, in fact, will not take advantage of the launch of ray-tracing , one of the many features touted Xbox Series X – although it will be added later with a free update after the release. Remember that the game will come out at the end of 2020 for both the Xbox Series X for Xbox One and PC.Waiting for the release of Halo Endless, you can recover the whole series with a single game: Halo The Master Chief Collection . Click here to purchase it on Amazon.