Google, smart working continues until 2021

In all likelihood dates will be declined country by country, based on what will happen in the coming months: Italy, which was the center of the outbreak when in California there was still discussion about the opportunity to take into account the incoming risks, is for example today among the virtuous countries while in the USA the epidemic is spreading. Flexibility will also be needed in these assessments, in short, but agile work will be a fundamental card to react immediately to any eventuality.
Google, another year of smart working
The projections In fact, they cannot be optimistic: in the United States, the increase in coronavirus infections has only begun to decelerate now, which projects the pandemic curve far ahead in time. The USA is in this sense very late compared to Europe, therefore at Alphabet we wanted to make clear choices to have an equally clear policy in terms of organization of work and human resources: for 200,000 employees the return to the office is set for 2021.The first projection indicated a return to the traditional activities within the month of June in the year 2020, but this was a choice made during the beginning of the pandemic in the USA; when the anti-mask of the Trump have started to have their effects, the multiplication of contagion has forced the California in the first place to a forced lockdown that has made it clear how the ideas of Trump and Elon Musk were harmful for the Country. The date of the end of the phase – initially defined as temporary – was then temporarily moved to September 2020.
Today, according to the New York Times, Google has started the procedures to defer further work agile and reconfiguration of the operations on the basis of a new roadmap. The back offices it would be impossible today, well, is problematic in a few months, then you would be raising the bar until the beginning of 2021 to be able to work with a minimum of vision and perspective. By the Alphabet, at the moment, no confirmation. The choice would, however, linearly with politics, here held by Google, from the beginning oriented to the maximum of caution and the protection of its employees.
What better visiting card for Google Meet if not full adoption, enthusiastic and aware of the tool by the same company that develops, and that will increase the potential in the months to come?
Source: New York Times