Ghost of Tsushima beat Japanese developers, according to the director of Yakuza

In fact, Ghost of Tsushima was very well received in Japan, with sales beyond expectations in this geographical area and the achievement of the perfect score in Famitsu's votes, just to give two examples. Nagoshi proves he was really impressed with Sucker Punch's new PS4 game, as reported during an official Sega livestream.
"To be honest, we in Japan have been beaten," said the director of Yakuza, smiling. "Clearly we lost. Honestly, this is a game that was supposed to be developed in Japan," explained Nagoshi, also acknowledging the fact that American developers evidently carried out extensive research to better reproduce the setting.
But the developer Sega has further deepened his position on Ghost of Tsushima, explaining the aspects that have particularly affected him: "Kurosawa mode not only changes the coloring but also has a technical approach to changing the frame-rate to match old movies, "he explained, there is also a detail that has affected Nagoshi more than other elements, namely the protagonist Jin.
According to the author of the Yakuza, the fact of having chosen a character so inconspicuous as the protagonist is strange and very interesting: "all of this money and development time has been focused on this guy, middle-aged," said Nagoshi, but not in a negative sense. The fact is that the choice of a protagonist often depends on considerations that invade the field of marketing and market research, and the emergence of a character not particularly beautiful and fascinating as Jin is amazing.
Nagoshi also takes Ghost of Tsushima as an example to undermine a prejudice that often is widespread in Japan, about the inability of the foreigners to be able to capture precisely some of the traditions and taste elements of the japanese, stating that "that assumption is a mistake."