Ghost of Tsushima bad in Edge ratings, good Desperados 3 and Valorant

As we said, English editors didn't like Ghost of Tsushima very much, who brought home only a 6, due to his structural problems and some gameplay issues. Well, however, Desperados 3 and Valorant, both awarded with an 8, as well as Creaks by Amanita Design and Monster Train. The worst of the month, however, are Disintegration and Little Orpheus, both rejected with a 5. But now no more talk and see the list of reviews of the new issue of Edge, with the relative votes. Ghost of Tsushima - 6 Desperados III - 8 Disintegration - 5 Valorant - 8 Ninjala - 7 West of Dead - 6 Creaks - 8 Little Orpheus - 5 Monster Train - 8 Birds Alone - 7