France, no porn for minors

France, no porn for minors
France introduces a rule to attempt to protect minors from online pornography. While the principle now seems to be shared in many countries (the United Kingdom has led the way, but Italy has followed suit with the proposal by Mr Pillon), the problem seems however to be related to the applicability of the whole, as well as to the difficult compromise to be found with the necessary protection of privacy.

Pending the "how", France has exposed itself on the "if": pornography is forbidden to minors, favorable vote, so it is established right in the middle of a political crisis that has led to a new government more aligned with the helm of President Macron.

France: children protected by online porn

All that France has done to date it is therefore the parliamentary approval of the bill which provides for some prior verification of access to sites with content por ety. As always, the problems that arise in cases like these are the same, all equally difficult to solve:

how to identify the age of the sailor while respecting privacy at the same time? how to separate what is porn from what is not? how to regulate social networks or other platforms with user generated content? To all this is added the fact that sites that do not comply with the legislation could be banned only by obscuring from DNS, an aspect that can easily be circumvented with a simple VPN and which for this reason would cause the system more side effects that not a real close to online porn.

In France you are assuming now the various tools of identification to allow sites to implement a kind of paywall, the purpose of which would be simply to certify the age of the boater via credit card, identification systems, digital or otherwise. The feeling is that at the time the vote was more of a principle, in the hope that the platforms in the field are able to identify viable solutions.

To understand what is happening in France is sufficient to start from what happened in the United Kingdom: April 2019 , the law passed in may 2019 , you do not understand how to apply the law; October 2019 , the identified systems have proved to be bankruptcy: the porn back free. The ball now goes to the French.

Source: Political

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