Fortnite: where to collect Stone at Rapide a Riposo

Before you get started, it should be noted that the location chosen to complete this challenge is not marked on the map of the island of Fortnite. To gather the necessary amount of stone to end this challenge, you will only need to reach the area east of Lake languid first; this will be the unsigned area recognized as Rapide a Riposo.
Once you reach the area, which you can find marked on the map above, all you have to do is pickaxe any agglomeration of stone that you will find under your hand. By doing this you will be able to complete this new weekly challenge without any problem. If, on the other hand, you should be eliminated, the amount of stone that you had collected up to that point will not disappear, on the contrary, you will start to accumulate everything from where you were left.
This challenge of week 7 of Fornite is also not particularly complex to face and end. The only thing that could make you waste time is just being able to find the exact area. What do you think of the choice of weekly challenges proposed by Epic Games?
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