Fortnite: the Battle Call emote has a secret, here's which one

This special emote does nothing but blow your own playable character into a battle horn, and after activating it, a certain sound will come out. Apparently according to the dataminer, the sound is not always the same but there is a very low probability that playing this special instrument a second type of sound can be defined with a greater degree of rarity.
Update :
the chance is in fact 0.5%
"FailChance": 0.005
1 being 100%.
- Lucas7yoshi (@ Lucas7yoshi) July 8, 2020
According to the dataminer, there is a probability of 0.5 % that a player can "activate" this secret using the Battle Call emote. You just have to try to play the horn as hard as I can, obviously if you are already in possession of this particular emote; otherwise, we remind you that it can be easily purchased inside the digital store in Fortnirte.
It therefore seems that the increasingly boundless world of Fortnite is still full of secrets and hidden beans to find. Who knows what will be the next discovery that dataminers or passionate users will be able to bring out from the increasing contents of this game. What do you think of this secret? Were you able to hear the sound hidden inside the Battle Call emote?
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