Fortnite: Atlantis is about to emerge!

Recently, the sea level has dropped further, bringing back some of the areas of Fortnite Island that had been submerged. We speak of molesting moles, steep cliffs and forest whining; now these three places are again part of the game map. The curious thing, however, is that beyond the area south of the Frignant Forest, the first glimpses of Atlantis are starting to be glimpsed.
- Lucas7yoshi (@ Lucas7yoshi ) July 27, 2020
From what can be seen to date on the map, the mythical submerged city should emerge in the area north-west of the island of Fortnite. Since we know thanks to the dataminer, a new boss with mythical weapons and several henchmen intent on defending a vault will also be added together with Atlantis.
At the moment we do not know when exactly the sea level will drop again, but we can deduce that next time we will have a much clearer outline of what is still hiding the sea. What do you think of a likely addition of Atlantis to Fortnite?
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