Far Cry 6: dubbing in Italian is not certain

Announced during the last Ubisoft Forward, Far Cry 6 was the title with which the French company wanted to conclude its first digital communicative appointment. The title has already caused a lot of discussion both for the presence of the actor Giancarlo Esposito in the role of the new villain, and for a communication error by Ubisoft that made us think of achieving 4K only on the Xbox Series X.

Now, the transalpine company seems to confirm that the Italian dubbing will not be present in Far Cry 6. This is because Ubisoft has recently revised its policies regarding the location of its games. "In Ubisoft we work to make our games accessible to as many users as possible, creating both audio dubbing and subtitles in the various languages" this is the official statement.

"Due to the evolution of the community of our players, the Audio dubbing will not be available in all previously supported languages. However, users will be able to enjoy the Far Cry 6 experience with a wide choice of subtitles. " As you can read, the Italian language is never mentioned directly in the official press release, but it is not said that the sixth chapter of Far Cry can reach the shelves even dubbed in our language.

The declaration of intent by Ubisoft on the localization issue is very clear, and for the moment we just have to wait for a confirmation on the presence or not of the Italian dubbing for Far Cry 6. What do you think of this decision by the French company? Would it weigh you a lot not to be able to play the new Far Cry with Italian dubbing?

If you are no longer in the skin, you can book your copy of Far Cry 6 on Amazon at this address. If, on the other hand, you want to retrieve the previous chapters at these other links you will find: Far Cry 5 and Far Cry New Dawn.

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