Epic Games Store: the free PC game of July 2nd is available

Hue is an award-winning and lively adventure game with puzzles in which you can change the world by changing its background color. Includes support for color blinds, with symbols that define each color. It will be free until 9 July 2020 at 17:00.
You can add it to your collection at this address.
The Escapist 2, however, asks you to risk everything in order to escape from the toughest prisons in the world and to explore the largest prisons ever seen. Initially it will be necessary to respect the rules of the prison, to present oneself to the appeals, to fulfill the duties and to follow a rigid routine. In the meantime, however, we must plan the escape for freedom! Here you can find the review of The Escapist 2. The Escapist 2 will be available from 5:00 pm on July 9, 2020.
In Killing Floor 2 players drop into continental Europe, invaded by horrendous bloodthirsty clones called Zed, created by the evil members of the Horzine Corporation . The game has a 6-player cooperative mode and a 12-player Kill-Zed VS mode. Here is the Killing Floor 2 review.
Inspired by the science fiction stories of the Cold War years, Lifeless Planet reflects on the thirst for conquering space. Imagine crossing the galaxy in order to reach another planet, only to find that humans have already been there! What kind of person would accept to undertake a mission of no return, leaving planet Earth and all their loved ones behind ... to go in search of an Earth-like planet?
These games have taken the place of AER, and Stranger Things 3: The Game , games Epic Games, Store free last week . The arrival on a warehouse of Epic Games allows even large games like GTA V and Civ 6 to increase their installed base .
What does it look like of the gifts this week?