Electronic Identity Card: numbers and perspectives

Electronic Identity Card: where are we at?
First of all, to date, the Electronic Identity Card is in the hands and portfolios of 15 million compatriots with an annual growth of 7 million. We are therefore continuing in the right direction in view of the deadline set for 2026 when the paper versions of the document will have to be definitively replaced as required by EU regulation 1157/2019.The project has gone evolving over time from a technological and managerial point of view. Today the CIE allows citizens secure access to the online services of the Public Administration, in line with the standards set by eIDAS (electronic IDentification Authentication and Signature), thanks also to the adoption of measures such as the presence of physical anti-counterfeiting elements and the chip. RF which stores the owner's personal and biometric data.
There are many areas of use, from recognition by law enforcement agencies to access through transit in the e-gate , turnstiles or controlled access areas up to compatibility with payment instruments or electronic subscriptions that looking to the future opens the doors to new opportunities.
In this regard include the availability of a free application CIE ID , in download on Android and iOS , that through the system “Comes with CIE” allow you to use the beloved as the key to access to the services of the Italian Public Administrations and of the member States of the European Union with the highest level of security possible.
we Conclude by reporting that since the last edition of the report DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index) shows how much there is still to do: only 32% of digital users italians use actively in e-government , a percentage equal to about half the european average.