dV Giochi: the news coming at the end of 2020

Read also: dV Giochi children's news announced
Let's see in detail the new dV Giochi releases, scheduled for autumn 2020:
Undo - 600 seconds & Shipping without return
The Undo series, where the so-called "weavers of destiny" impersonate, is enriched with two new expansions, ready to take us back in the shoes of intrepid storm agents.The first, 600 seconds, is set on New Year's Eve, in the city of Los Angeles, where you will find yourself on top of a skyscraper, on which there is a victim and a bomb ready to explode . Will players manage to extricate themselves from the myriad of cables and not turn the first day of the year into a disaster?
The second, Expedition without return, opens with the death of seven members of an alpine expedition, headed towards the Himalaya. On this occasion, unlike usual, players will have to find ways to prevent the death of each member.
From an idea by: Lukas Zach and Michael Palm Illustrations: Lea Fröhlich and Lisa Lenz N. players : 1-6 Age: 12-99 Language: Italian Suggested price: € 12.90 Release date: October 2020
Deep Vents
The players of Deep Vents will each impersonate a different ecosystem, full of ferocious predators. The aim of the game is to conquer as many resources as possible, without having them stolen from others.The “game currency” will be the with sulphate as the , with which you can buy to turn round of hexagonal tiles, which are used to expand the ecosystem, or to take advantage of their skills. Only the ecosystem, the more efficient will survive over others and over the adversities that are put in place by the depths of the sea.
From an idea of: T. Alex Davis, Ryan Laukat Illustration: Ryan Laukat Age: 12-99 N. players: 2-4 Language: Italian suggested retail Price: 24,90€ release Date: November, 2020
The classic game of tiles Tsuro will finally have an Italian edition.At each turn, a player puts on the field of play a card that interweave four sentier and each of these tiles is unique. Every time there are the cards, the points on the board match and you can to go on to the trails, so the pawn of the player may walk the path until the end of the edge.
the aim of The game is to find the path that is more secure to stay on the board for as long as possible , because even the pawns adjacent must arrivre at the end of the path, with the risk of even end up outside the playing area!
From an idea of: Tom McMurchie's Illustrations: Shane Small Age: 8-99 Players: 2-8 Language: Italian suggested retail Price: 29,90€ release Date: December 2020, One of the first expansions of Undo, The Treasure of the Maya is now available for purchase by simply clicking on this link .