Disney +: Falcon & the Winter Soldier will arrive late due to COVID-19

Falcon & the Winter Soldier is not the first TV series that is postponed due to COVID-19 and probably will not be the last. In reality Disney had never released official launch dates, but everything suggested that August was the right month. When she didn't appear on the list of new content next month, it became clear that she couldn't make it. Now the hope is that it will arrive in September, provided that it does not suffer a further postponement.
In Falcon & the Winter Soldier Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan in the roles they have already covered in the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In particular (WARNING SPOILER) Anthony Mackie will be the new Captain America, after receiving the shield from the original one, played by Chris Evans.
Just Chris Evans recently sent a message to a boy who protected his sister by a ferocious dog, making everyone move a little.