Dash Cart, the shopping cart according to Amazon

Amazon Dash Cart, the shopping trolley 2.0
It is equipped with a touchscreen display and other hardware components capable of automatically identifying the items inserted as well as their quantity, so that at the at the end of your tour between the shelves it is possible to exit without performing the classic stop at the cash desk. The payment will then be made completely automatically.It should be noted that the technology can also be applied to traditional stores, without any need for an apparatus made up of video cameras or artificial intelligence algorithms. Therefore, the hypothesis that in the future the system may be offered to third party businesses cannot be excluded. How it works is well explained by the video below.
document.createElement ('video'); https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/C1vw862Es+S.mp4 First of all, the customer authenticates by scanning with the reader on the Dash Cart a QR code associated with his account and displayed on the smartphone, after which he places special bags in the trolley where he will put the items taken from the shelves one by one, but only after hearing a "beep". If an orange light comes on, the product must be removed and the operation repeated.
If the item has no barcode, as in the case of fruit or vegetables, you can simply type on the screen the corresponding code and confirm the weight that is shown, a bit’ as already happens today with the balance of the supermarkets. At the end of the expenditure is sufficient to leave the shop, passing on the special lane and the debit will happen automatically with the receipt sent in real time via email.
Source: Amazon