Dark Souls 3, girl finished him dancing, with a level 1 character

The use of the Dance Pad Revolution dancing pad to finish the games is now a real phenomenon. Evidently many streamers do it because they are attracted by the possibility of offering peculiar content to their viewers. Someone had recently used it to play Destiny, but seeing Dark Souls 3 finish with a level 1 character is even more impressive.
The Souls series lends itself well to certain challenges given its renowned difficulty. In particular, Dark Souls 3 is much loved by those who want to test themselves, like the guy who finished it using the Guitar Hero controller. Below you can see a clip that shows Luality finishing the game with the dancing pad, sincerely excited about his venture. After all, isn't one of the beauties of video games also the possibility to challenge each other in similar ways?
Before leaving you, we remind you that Dark Souls 3 is available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Luality beats Dark Souls 3 on Dance Pad with a level 1 character from r / LivestreamFail