Coronavirus, the ranking of the most and least effective masks

They range from N95 super filtering masks, for healthcare professionals in contact with Covid-19 patients or suspicious cases, but less practical and comfortable in the heat, to surgical, much more protective than those of 2-layer cloth, up to those of 3-layered cloth that could be very effective by surprise
(photo: Miguel Medina via Getty Images) Masks are an essential protective measure to counter the spread of the new coronavirus. So much so that some studies show that wearing them can avoid many deaths and also significantly lower the risk of death from Covid-19. But we know that not all are equal and that only if applied correctly are they able to protect us better. Which masks are most effective? Here is a review of what we know and the ranking of their ability to defend ourselves from Sars-Cov-2.The most filtering masks ever
The N95 masks also known as Ffp3 are in absolute the most filtering and are indicated for healthcare professionals in contact with people with the Covid-19 infection or with the suspicion of Covid-19. These manage to block at least 95% of the particles suspended in the air, including several pathogens and coronavirus. If worn correctly, they seal the nose and mouth so that very few particles can penetrate. They also have tangled fibers that filter the pathogens carried by the air. Immediately afterwards there are also Ffp2 (also indicated for operators) which provide coverage of 89% and Ffp1 (at 75%). However above all Ffp3s may not be the ideal choice in hot weather and also, as a group of Stanford scientists explains, they reduce oxygen by 5 to 20% and may not be suitable for everyone.The surgical masks
In the ranking then there are the surgical masks , the less the filtering, but still pretty effective if used correctly, recommended to health care workers treating patients suspected or Covid-19 if you doa> not have the Ffp3 or Ffp2. The surgical masks are composed of 3 or more layers of porous material, non-woven fabric , and are able to filter both the large droplet, the droplets of saliva that are larger than 5 micrometers) that are transmitted when you cough or talk, and the most tiny particles suspended in the air under the form of an aerosol, of less than five micrometers (even if the impact of the transmission via aerosol is still discussed). According to one study, English, 2015, the surgical masks are much more effective in filtering some of the viruses compared to the masks in the fabric to two layers .masks home made: how many layers?
in Short, the surgical are much better than those in cloth made at home or purchased in two layers (for example cotton). But if the layers increase the protection may be greater, and the masks of cloth may no longer be last in the standings. For example, a recent study showed that combining different materials, in particular cotton and chiffon, and using at least 3 layers (one cotton and two of polyester-spandex chiffon) you could get to block 80% of the particles less than 300 nanometers (as a Ffp1) and up to 99% of the virus particles of more than 300 nanometers, reaching for these larger particles, if the masks are properly worn, the performance of mask N95 or is Not a coincidence that the world health Organization recommends the use of masks not for medical composed of three layers : the internal absorbent, the intermediate that acts as a filter, and the outer non-absorbent material such as polyester. Also the national Institute of health explains that masks self-produced to help combat the spread of the new coronavirus if worn and used correctly and consistently. Templates must be composed of multiple layers (more 3 than 2, in fact) and fit well to the face, to be washed at every use at 60° in the washing machine . And you have to be careful when you remove do not touch simultaneously the eyes, nose or mouth.