Contra: the board game available for pre-order from July 30th

image of Blacklist Games / Kess Co. Contra will be a cooperative game of one to four players, in the role of Contra committed to fighting the Red Falcon Army. In every game the Commandos will have to avoid traps, unexpected events and collect new weapons, in order to have a chance to defeat the opponent on the turn or. The game will use the Modular Deck System, invented by Blacklist Games and already successfully used in other titles such as Street Masters, Brook City, and Altar Quest. The system will include the use of a deck of cards, throwing dice and control points to be conquered, to influence the outcome of the clashes.
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In each game of Contra players will have to select a specific deck for each of the Contra, after which the game will continue solving the various actions, such as moving, attacking and using specific skills. The role of the enemy will be managed thanks to the use of a dedicated deck. To survive enemy attacks, players will need to work strategically, deciding whether to increase their mobility, accuracy or subterfuge.
The Contra board game will translate into analog format some of the characteristic elements of the videogame experience such as the lives of the characters (it will die instantly if reached by an enemy attack), the upgrade with numerous weapons and the simulation of the unexpected, the so-called "stage hazards", present in the video game series.
The game box will contain eight miniatures , four decks, Commando, four decks enemy, four decks the Stage, and twenty cards lens. There will also be two sets of custom dice, one for heroes, another for the enemies. The setting of the game may be changed depending on the mission and the game will last roughly forty-five minutes and two hours.
If you're a fan of historical series, Contra, don't miss the last chapter available on Amazon for the PS4 at this link