Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions, the Italian exclusive preview

Between menus and gameplay
The first aspect that catches the eye is what emerges from the menus: Captain Tsubasa offers not only the "The Journey" mode composed of Episode Tsubasa, Episode New Hero and Episode of World Challenge, but also a training mode, fast offline matches and online matches against other players. Next we find the settings, the collections where we will find movies and music and a menu called "Ultimate Edit" that hides much more than you can imagine. What could be translated as the "Personalization" menu is described as a menu in which to make changes to the players and teams created. From all the information released so far we know of the presence of the character editor (the New Hero mode will make you create your alter ego), but we did not know about the one dedicated to teams. A detail in the latest trailers had not gone unnoticed by fans, namely the presence of a line of text citing a hypothetical team created by the player.The description of the mode speaks about the players and teams in the plural, and then seems to confirm that it will be possible to create a new character and more customized teams. Through this option you can then create a real dream team, with teams that include characters from different teams. We know that it will be possible to customize the jerseys, the name and the coat of arms, but there are still some question marks: we don't know if for example the characters will be first unlocked in different modes, or if there will be some limit in the creation of the team, or some stake in the use of the characters created with the editor.
The meticulous analysis of menus and home screens of the video then leaves space to the more juicy. In the twenty minutes of the movie, in fact, there is presented the beginning of the mode, New Hero that will include a mode dedicated to the football championship of the medium in which, creating your alter ego, you'll lead a team of Furano,Toho and Musashi to win the game (obviously with the Nankatsu to Tsubasa as the main antagonist). The mode opens with your choice of team with which you will face in the championship. The latter of course is not only based on the history of the three teams, but also on your sympathy for one of three captains symbol: Hyuga (Lenders), Matsuyama (Callahan), and Misugi (Ross). Finally the role: attacker, midfielder, or defender of the three options. Each will be offered with a context for each role related to the characteristics of the chosen team, so in the case of Furan, choose to play as a midfielder you may require a predisposition to altruism by offering balloons to Matsuyama who likes to shoot from outside the area. We then move on to character creation.
The editor is fairly full-bodied, classic in the options, but rich in details that wink to the fans of the original work. From the hair styles, the most iconic, the length of the sleeves (yes there are also those rolled up!), from the ability to create a player giant Hiroshi Jito, the ability to shape the voice of your alter ego. In the video, the team choice is the Furano and of course the beginning of the game contextualizes it at the narrative level, the events that will lead you to play the championship of the medium. There we will be here to tell the events, but know that everything is meant to be, however, in general, tied to the canons of the original work and to the characteristics of the teams presented in it.
Before tackling the gameplay, the video offers us some interesting ideas from the menus mode-specific and opportunities related to the growth of the character. The menus tell us about how you can manage not only the aesthetic aspects of the character, but also the skills and its growth is linked both to performance in the field as to the relationship with the other players. From the 31 players the most iconic of the championship (the well-known ones) we will be able to learn in a variable number according to the player, passive skills, and operative techniques. All this will be manageable in a special menu and can change at any time. Speaking of shooting skills, shooting on the fly, to tackle and block, for example, that could also be included in a classic "paper-rock-scissors" for the management of the success and failure in the moment in which, for example, a block skill was activated against a skill shot opponent.
On this last point, but we have some doubts as he never made mention of this system, but we ask ourselves, having regard to the existence of defensive skills and the unique skills of the goalkeeper, as the line between success and failure is managed. Your alter ego has, then, the general statistics that affect his overall assessment expressed by values on a scale from 40 to 99, divided into macro areas: Technique, Power, Speed, Attack and Defense. These skills can be increased by spending skill points obtained by playing according to your performance. Also the camaraderie with your team will have a role in the statistics, but still we don't know which one.
The video focuses on the game with the middle school Meiwa Higashi of Sawaki and Narita. Prior to the match everything will propose a dialogue between the characters more iconic of the two teams and will ask you to make choices of dialogue between the various options. These choices imagine going to influence the understanding with your team based on the type of response data (the smiley faces above the answers we imagine a hint about how the team or the captain is going to react to that response). Once you have completed this step, only the menu of the game can stand between you and the match. In this time, you can go to select the mesh in the game (we assume from the icons of the menu-unfortunately this was not shown) and to manage all the settings of the game, as in every other classic sport title. The video, however in this case focuses on the management of the rose that will give you the opportunity to change players with those on the bench to change the tactics of the game on the cross-directional (counter attack, pressing high, defending to the bitter end, etc), and other settings related to the roles in the field (corner kicks, penalties, presumably) that were not shown.
The game that finally we are shown is a clear victory of the Furan by a score of 2-0. The insights glimpsed showed us a gameplay identical to what we experienced a few months ago, improved from the visual point of view, but still too tied to the feeling pad to the hand and too layered and tied to the individual skills to be judged so superficially. What definitely is noticeable is a predominance of dribbling that really can make all the difference in the various moments of the match. The legnosità of certain animations persists, but we believe that both physiological and intrinsic to a title so that does not point to the simulation. However, what is very interesting are the bonuses at the end of the game. Obtained from the fulfillment of some objectives, such as reaching a certain rating to a given aspect (efficiency of the steps in B+ for example) at the end of the match, these bonuses will guarantee that your additional skills to learn with specific training.
The ability to see, exclusively of these twenty-minute game on Captain Tsubasa: the Rise of New Champions has allowed us to get to the bottom of those that are the mechanical and stratified mode, Episode a New Hero, that puts you at the center of the scene, the players and their alter ego. At the level of mechanics, the title seems to really want to offer a very layered and wide that it is not a simple game of arcade soccer. The possibilities and glimpsed in this movie are countless. For a judgment in-depth, however, we need to try with holding the title for the head of the countless opportunities that we will open in front of you.