Apple's new iMacs arriving by August?

Apple's new iMacs arriving by August?
Over the weekend some rumors appeared on the net about an imminent launch for the new iMacs, perhaps already by the end of the month. Jon Prosser, author in the past of several leaks about Apple's news, intervened on Twitter with the post visible below to confirm its arrival, but with a not so tight schedule: it will be necessary to wait for the month of August.

iMac: the new model ready for launch

In all likelihood the all-in-one computer will not introduce any restyling from the point of view of design compared to that already on the market. So nothing to do with the futuristic concept described in a patent that appeared in January. Inside there will still be Intel processors instead of those produced directly to the bitten apples based on ARM architecture that we will see arriving around the end of the year on a 13-inch MacBook Pro.

If you want the new iMac, keep an eye out for August.

No redesign.

- Jon Prosser (@jon_prosser) July 26, 2020

In the last period, buyers intending to buy an iMac from Cupertino's official stores have seen waiting times for deliveries lengthen, a clue believed by many to be almost a confirmation for the arrival of a successor. Software side could therefore debut with pre-installed the Catalina version of macOS and then immediately switch to the new Big Sur as soon as available.

The current generation of iMac was presented in March 2019 with the 21.5 and 27 models inches equipped with Retina 4K and 5K displays respectively with 8th and 9th generation Intel processors.

Source: MacRumors

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