Apple's business is solid despite the crisis

Apple Q3 2020: good products and services
Revenues for 59.69 billion dollars were 11% up on the same period last year (53.81 billion). Of these, 46.53 billion are attributable to products and 13.16 billion to services. Performance driven above all by international sales which, according to the company's press release, weighed 60% of the share. Net profit also stood at 11.25 billion dollars compared to 10.04 billion a year earlier. This is the comment of CEO Tim Cook, also in recent days in remote connection with members of the US Congress to answer questions regarding antitrust issues.The record quarter of June for Apple was guided by double-digit growth in both products and services and by growth in each of our geographic segments. In uncertain times, this performance testifies to the important role that our products play in the lives of our customers and with a view to continuous innovation.
Focusing on the sales, iphones have fruity 26,42 billion dollars in three months, the computer of the line Mac with a total value equal to 7,08 billion, the iPad tablet you are stopped 6.58 billion, and the wearable devices or home 6.45 billion. For all categories, the sign is positive compared to a year ago. Continues to Cook by making reference to the initiatives undertaken to combat racism and on the front of sustainability .
it Is a moment the opponent for our community and $ 100 million for Racial Equity and Justice Initiative the new commitment to become carbon neutral by 2030, we are living the principle of what we think we can create opportunities and leave the world better than we found it.
Looking ahead, the bitten apple has communicated via the CFO Luca Maestri that the iPhone 12 will arrive in a delay of a few weeks compared to the initial predictions, thus confirming the rumors circulated recently.
Source: Apple