6G and reality extended in 2028, Samsung's vision
While still discussing how and when to set up 5G networks, some are already looking ahead to imagine what the future of mobile connectivity will be like. Samsung does so with a whitepaper stating that the era of 6G will open by 2028, a technology that will then be available on a large scale in the following two years.
A this will add new forms of artificial intelligence and an almost omnipresent Internet of Things . These are the words of Sunghyun Choi, number one of Samsung's Advanced Communications Research Center.
Although the commercialization of 5G is still in its initial phase, it is not too early to start preparing for 6G since typically it takes about ten years from the beginning of the research to the availability of a new communication technology. We have already launched a 6G research and development program based on the experience and skills we have acquired working on previous generations, including 5G.
Below is a useful chart to understand what the advantages offered by 6G will be compared to what is put on the plate today by the 5G standard in terms of speed, energy efficiency, reliability, latency and management of connected devices.
Samsung is not the only reality of the world hi-tech that is working on this front with projects and experimental research. There are also Huawei , China and the United States . We have discussed this now over three years ago, also with Qualcomm , on the occasion of the interview to Rahul Patel (Senior Vice President and General Manager, Connectivity & Networking) at the Broadband World Forum:
I ask you to look to the future, going over the 5G, and formulating a prediction: when you think that we will start talking about 6G or 5.5 G or 5G+?
my opinion is that you need other 6-7 years.
Source: Samsung
Samsung: 6G and XR within eight years
With the transition to the next-next generation of networks, there will not only be a further increase in the available speed or a reduction in communication latency (below 100 microseconds), but also with the advent of new technologies and services related to extended reality (XR), high quality holograms generated by portable devices and digital replicas or faithful reproductions in virtual form of real people and objects of all kinds called "digital twin".A this will add new forms of artificial intelligence and an almost omnipresent Internet of Things . These are the words of Sunghyun Choi, number one of Samsung's Advanced Communications Research Center.
Although the commercialization of 5G is still in its initial phase, it is not too early to start preparing for 6G since typically it takes about ten years from the beginning of the research to the availability of a new communication technology. We have already launched a 6G research and development program based on the experience and skills we have acquired working on previous generations, including 5G.
Below is a useful chart to understand what the advantages offered by 6G will be compared to what is put on the plate today by the 5G standard in terms of speed, energy efficiency, reliability, latency and management of connected devices.
Samsung is not the only reality of the world hi-tech that is working on this front with projects and experimental research. There are also Huawei , China and the United States . We have discussed this now over three years ago, also with Qualcomm , on the occasion of the interview to Rahul Patel (Senior Vice President and General Manager, Connectivity & Networking) at the Broadband World Forum:
I ask you to look to the future, going over the 5G, and formulating a prediction: when you think that we will start talking about 6G or 5.5 G or 5G+?
my opinion is that you need other 6-7 years.
Source: Samsung