5G: Orange will employ less Huawei technology

The Orange CEO on Huawei and network
This will apply to the Europe where telco operates as well as on the transalpine territory in Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, Romania, Moldova, Slovakia and the United Kingdom. The perspective linked to Africa is different, where it is present among others in Senegal, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Madagascar, Morocco and Tunisia. Here are the words of Stéphane Richard, CEO of Orange (in the opening image), collected by the Reuters editorial staff during a discussion with market analysts.In Europe there are countries where we use equipment Huawei, but the medium-term trend aims to reduce the proportion of Huawei's parts in our network equipment. In Africa the issue is much less felt and relevant than in Europe.
Returning to focus the attention on the old continent, in this period grappling with the 5G rollout, it is necessary to specify that Orange al at the moment it does not use infrastructure or components supplied by Huawei for mobile networks in France, unlike instead in Spain and Poland, its two other major European markets.
Source: Reuters