Xiaomi, here are the smartphones preferred by the CEO Lei Jun

The top 3 debuts with Mi Mix 2, the smartphone announced in 2017 characterized by an entirely ceramic body. And this is precisely the peculiarity that earned him a place in Lei Jun's ranking, or rather the process that underlies it. What the CEO really loved, is the company's commitment to sintering each piece of ceramic at 1400 degrees Celsius for seven days.
The second smartphone mentioned is the Mi 6 Bright Silver Discovery Edition. Again, the credit goes to aesthetics and design. In the silver version, the predecessor of the Mi 8 in fact enjoyed on the back of a shiny metallic layer protected by a reflective glass that allowed to use the device as if it were a mirror.
Lei Jun's favorite list closes with Mi 10 Pro. A presence that is not surprising at all. Perhaps it is the only smartphone mentioned that was not chosen for aesthetics but for everything it represents as a whole. It is the first true top of the range Xiaomi smartphone also available on international markets. As already repeated during the presentation phase, this time the Asian giant focused less on reducing costs to offer its users the best experience worthy of high-end devices.
The “favorites” are those for an infinite number of reasons: aesthetics, feelings, experience, philosophy and so on, and so forth. Personally, I have concorde only in part with the list of Her Jun. My personal top 3 of the smartphone Xiaomi favorites (that does not necessarily mean the best) is a slightly different.
I Mix of the first generation , the smartphone that has incarnated to perfection the philosophy at the base of the chinese brand: innovation. I Mix it was the first truly borderless, at least on three sides because on the bottom there was the front camera. It was a revolutionary, the precursor of the one that is – at a distance of years – it is still the aesthetic trend followed by manufacturers in the smartphone world. Even the Galaxy S8 of the next year was so far, in spite of its frames is extremely small.
I Note 3, the precursor of the current mid-range tvs from top of the range. Almost an evolution of the Mi 6, from which it inherits the design. The place in my ranking if it earns for the excellent performance that approached him to the high-end smartphone.
The last choice agrees with that of the Lei Jun: I 10 Pro. My motivations are the same. Is the smartphone which has allowed Xiaomi to make the leap and play the game at a higher level. It is the sign of maturity. For this, it deserves a place in my ranking – I repeat – it is entirely personal.
Finally, I would quote, as an out-of-competition Redmi Note 5 – embodying the philosophy of the excellent quality/price ratio – has conquered a large audience. It was the beginning of the true success of Xiaomi in the international markets.
The new Redmi Notes 9s is now available for purchase on Amazon at less than 250 euros . You can find it at this link.