Xbox Series X will have high and stable framerates and fluidity, says Phil Spencer

Two points very important focal points for console players, who according to Phil Spencer, with Xbox Series X will reach a constant level of stability. Going deeper into the matter, Spencer said he was having difficulty trying to explain the kind of feeling that the next generation Microsoft console will return to gamers. “It is difficult to try to explain how it feels to play on a console on which the framerate is decidedly higher and more stable. The fluidity of games on Xbox Series X is something that is impossible to understand by showing it only in a video. "
According to Spencer's words, it therefore seems that the experience that will be offered by the Xbox Series X will not only give players a next gen graphic immersion, but also to get their fans used to a feeling of fluidity which will be constant and high in any gaming experience.
Microsoft has also scheduled a new digital event dedicated to the console and its services for the month of June. We do not yet know the certain date of this next conference, but it is probable that in the course of the next few days the house of Redmond will update us with a press release. What do you think of Phil Spencer's thinking about the fluidity and framertate that you can try with Xbox Series X?
Waiting for the next gen, you can buy a new and shiny Xbox One X on Amazon at this address .