Xbox Series S, reveal imminent? This is suggested by the new trademark registered by Microsoft

As can be read from the pages of Justia Trademarks, on Tuesday 9 June 2020 the US body in charge of patent registration has in fact received from Microsoft the request to register the "Xbox Series" trademark. The logo that accompanies the patent, officially registered by the American office on Friday 12 June, refers to the one already known from the Xbox Series X but, precisely, without any reference to the "X" that will mark the nextgen console of the Redmond house coming to an end 2020.
In this way, the technological giant with stars and stripes seems to anticipate the presentation of a line of "Xbox Series" consoles that will include both the already announced Series X and, as ventilated by rumors that The Xbox Series S "cheap" console has been chasing online for several months.
While we wait to clarify this important aspect of Microsoft's nextgen strategy and the real probabilities of an Xbox Lockhart end-of-year arrival, we refer you to this article that reports the latest rumors about the Xbox Series X fast dashboard.