Valorant, for Shroud playing the ranked is useless

The streamer compared the competitive games of most of the current FPS titles and explained how the variables in play are many more than other "competitive" titles such as the League of Legends itself, also from Riot Games. “They think that competitive and ranked are 100% balanced, but it's an impossible thing to do. There are a lot of variables involved, especially if we compare an FPS to a MOBA, so you cannot create the same system and copy and paste. People should accept that ranked are worthless and worth nothing.
If you really want to become someone and you want to become a professional, you have to play with who is stronger than you. You can make private custom games with other players, it's really simple, "said Shroud. The streamer then continued the discussion by pointing out many of the problems with different ranked modes, adding that, even at the highest levels, you are paired with some bad players who will permanently ruin your experience.
Recently, Shroud took into consideration the idea of coming back in the scene competitive, after recognizing his initial ability on Valorant, however, as explained before, would not be practical for him to do with his career streaming. It seems that not everyone goes down how things are going inside the competitive world online. Surely the opinion of the Shroud is important for a title like Valorant, but you still need to deal with the needs of the whole community .
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