TouchID and FaceID will replace online passwords

FaceID as a password: how it works
The example is simple: that open Facebook for the first time and enable the login with a double factor authentication, or open the site and try to log in with your credentials, the behavior of the smartphone will be the same: once stored the access, it will be sufficient to read the biometric data (fingerprints or face) to be able to enter the service directly (whether the vehicle is the app, or whether you are on the Web).The advantages are obvious: instant access and great simplicity, with important positive effects both for the user experience and for the entire Apple ecosystem (the user of in fact, you have a new generation iPhone and must navigate on Safari 14 or later, both on macOS and on iOS). A shoulder to the traditional password system, a step forward that users have been waiting for a long time for their own peace of navigation.
Great news! Apple expands support for #FIDO Authentication with Safari 14 (MacOS / iOS)! Websites can use Touch ID / Face ID for secure and frictionless web logins via #WebAuthn API. Great video on how websites can get started:
- The FIDO Alliance (@FIDOAlliance) June 24, 2020
everything was put in place following the Web Authentication (WebAuthn) API of the FIDO Alliance, ensuring full safety in the process of authentication. The rollout is scheduled within the short and also provides for a special certificate system can guarantee increased safety for those authentication systems that must operate at the level of, for example, banking services.
Source: WWDC