The Umbrella Academy: that's when the brothers arrived. Diffused first images

After the season finale with which the series left us about a year ago - a clear break on a time journey, about which the public could not help but remain with the breathlessness - finally, some succulent anticipations have arrived on the second season of The Umbrella Academy. The TV series directed by Steve Blackman, which debuted in 2019 on Netflix, is taken from the homonymous comic mini-series by Gerard Way and Gabriel BÃ and follows the story of a dysfunctional family consisting of seven brothers with superpowers, adopted by the eccentric scholar Sir Reginald Hargreeves.
Following the title of the second volume of the comic series entitled Dallas, it would seem that the Umbrella family will now have to deal with their arrival right in the Texan city, through a journey in the time that nevertheless caused a big jump: Luther, Allison, Klaus, Diego, Vanya, Ben and Numero 5 were catapulted in fact in the 60s.
However, in this second season of The Umbrella Academy, young superheroes will face a new, serious problem. Number 5 had in fact warned the brothers that traveling through time to escape the 2019 apocalypse would be risky, and the arrival in Dallas is confirmation of this, given that each member arrived there at different points in time for a total of three years.
So, while every brother belonging to the Academy has in the meantime adapted and remade a life in this “new” past, certain to be the only survivor, Number 5 lands in Dallas for the last and right in the middle of an impending nuclear apocalypse . It will be so the task of the young-elder put the family together, and to prevent this new threat to the planet. All, as a band of assassins of Swedish hunting down members of the Umbrella Academy.
In the first images of The Umbrella Academy as soon as spread, we can see the seven brothers – and some of their changes – however, the second season will also include some new characters : Sissy , the home of Texas ( Marin Ireland ), to the crazy chameleon like Lila ( Ritu Arya ), and the devoted husband Raymond ( Yusuf Gatewood ).
Confirmed the cast of the first season, consisting of Ellen Page, Tom Hopper, Robert Sheehan, Aidan Gallagher, Emmy-Raver Lampman, David Castañeda, Justin Min , who had announced the arrival of this second chapter of the TV series through video, “the house,” which has been re-created one of the most beautiful scenes of The Umbrella Academy. The appointment is for the 31st of July!
The Funko Pop! Klaus, one of the most crazy of the series can be found at this link .