The Outer Worlds on Switch: better performance with the next patch

As pointed out by the collective of Digital Foundry through their analysis that accompanied the launch of this porting, The Outher Worlds on Switch is not doing very well due to an annoying pop-in phenomenon and dynamic resolution struggling to manage the framerate and thus offering a smooth gaming experience.
According to the message shared on Twitter by the Private Division, the authors of Virtuos are working hard to improve the game's performance, without going into the merits of the interventions that the programmers of the expert software house in Singapore are making, specializing in recent years in porting by conso le like BioShock on Switch.
Also regarding the launch period of this important free update, we are not offered any time reference, if not the promise that this patch "will come soon". In the meantime, we leave you in the company of our review of The Outer Worlds for Switch.