The M5s and the farewell season

MEP Alessandra Ermellino and Senator Alessandra Riccardi join the list of those who leave, further confusing a party that today more than ever is struggling to find an identity
(photo: Getty Images) It is a real Caporetto the one that is affecting the 5 star Movement. From time to time new heads fall, whether for personal choices or for the violation of internal regulations, the fact is that the bleeding pentastellato in the parliamentary institution seems to have no end and the majority of government creaks more and more. This, while within the party the tension between the Casaleggio-Di Battista and the grill fronds goes on undeterred.The last to leave, in the past few hours, were the deputy Alessandra Ermellino and the senator Alessandra Riccardi. The first said that "I do not go away from the M5s but from the people who took possession of a project by betraying the hopes of 11 million citizens, the Movement has become a space devoid of comparison and competence". It went to the mixed group. Riccardi, on the other hand, made her rude total, even going to the opposition, in the ranks of the League: "It had become impossible to carry out ideas and projects for which I had decided to be part of the 5stelle Movement", he said, "the my unease has grown in recent months and is linked to the fact that that parliamentary confrontation with the opposition for important and even more necessary reforms in a difficult period like this has not been achieved, even to a small extent ”. To weigh, especially the pentastellato vote that authorizes to proceed against Matteo Salvini on the Open Arms case, which Riccardi had opposed from the first moment.
The two farewells are added to a list that in recent times has never ceased to swell. Only in 2020, so far, it was the turn of deputies Saints Chaplains , Gianluca Toads , Nunzio Angiola , or of the senators Gianluigi Comparison, and Luigi Di Marzio , to name a few. All of this, if one side throws more shadows on a state of health of the Movement, which already, since the last election results it appears everything except the best, the other is also reflected on the strength of the parliamentary party and, consequently, of the government. With the departure of Alessandra Riccardi, for example, today the M5s occupies 95 seats in the Senate and the government majority down to portion 160, a number below the absolute majority of 161. If you add to all this the fact that they are less than ten of the parliamentary pentastellati to risk expulsion for the scandal of the false statements, the future of the party (and the executive) is not rosy.
Also why the Movement from weeks to deal with fights internal to the executive level. The object of the dispute concerns above all the launch of the States-general to decide on the future of the party and who will take care of the leadership, following the resignation of recent Luigi Di Maio from the political head. A proposal of Davide Casaleggio, which has squeezed the eye of Alessandro Di Battista for the role, but an idea that is not liked to Beppe Grillo. The latter does not want the strong man to the leader of the Movement, but rather a political office. And his relationship with the Baptist are now deteriorated by time, as shown by the now famous tweet of “ groundhog day ”. But another internal voltage relates to the Mes , where on the one hand there is the rebellion led by the deputy minister of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri, is in favour of an appeal by the european instrument subject to certain conditions, on the other, those who do not want to even hear about it.
While the continuous bleeding of the parliamentary pentastellati, punctuated by a breakaway similar to the level of the regional directors and provincial, by the party not doing anything to show the outside world a semblance of solidity. On the contrary, you are arguing over everything on which you can argue so that between the detractors of the States-general of the party there are those who fear this aspect. They become not an occasion to restore lymph and speed of the Movement, but in a window in which you certify that between the tensions, fights, and branches the internal Movement does not exist anymore.