The Last of Us, a story in images

The scenario as an element of the story In video games highly dramatic as The Last of Us, it is easy to create an empathic bond with the protagonists, especially if one of these is a defenseless girl, alone in the world and forced to live in fear every day, who always tries to ward off with irony typical of girls of his age. On the other hand, the Indian writer Tarun Tejpal says that "two things save us in life: love and laugh. If you have both, you are invincible". But the skill of Naughty Dog has been to know how to obtain a similar result even with the contour characters, many of whom we don't even see on the screen.
Characters whose stories we know them only through notes, recordings or just by the personal effects abandoned. Because in the game the image changes, ideally, the shape and assumes a beyond of the physical. Every object, building or item on the screen is almost metaphysical, in that it sometimes transcends the physical world, embodying more of a meaning beyond that of its nature. By exploring the areas of the game, in fact, the story unfolds under the eyes of the user more careful in a gradual manner but in the same way more profound than may appear to those most distracted. So, riding a bicycle, face up on the sidewalk is not only a toy left on the ground, just to make an example.
his position, the way in which it seems to have been abandoned in all haste, and signs of dragging, they say that something terrible happened at that precise point. A little later, a pickup truck delivery left by your driver at the centre of the road, a shoe from the man on the lawn of a house with the main door broken, the door to the dirt of what seems to be stains of old blood. And, again, entering the building, a coffee maker perched on the stove, off of the kitchen, where it had probably been placed twenty years before, a frying pan, dented corroded by the time on the floor, are not only objects of contour elements that are arranged here and there to fill the scene . But they are there to tell you something. On their way they speak, and they do it with their presence to explain what happened to their owners.
A mosaic of mini-stories, such As in a huge puzzle , make up the scene of events, in the specific case, a sorrowful event that happened to one of the families of that district. So the mind of the player is travelling, and the scene re-creates in his imagination: at the beginning of the pandemic some infected will be arrived in the area and surprising the inhabitants of the area. One of the creatures, probably attacked a child playing with the bike, sbalzandolo of the saddle, or dragging on. Frightened, the courier has in a hurry dropped everything, leaving deliveries and vehicle while, maybe attracted by the screams or recalled by someone, the parents of a little rushed out. The dad, probably the first to leave, was surprised by the Runner, and in the clash the is sprint via a shoe.
The mother, who was preparing coffee in the kitchen, in turn, is run towards the entrance just in time to watch horrified and helpless now the scene, and close the door in the faces of the assailants before they could open sopraffandola. Another way, then, to drop the player into a devastated universe post-apocalyptic . But even when the objects observed are in their place and leave no guess no sequence violent, the same are able to transmit emotions and to tell something thanks to the contrast of the net, marked, between the past and the present. Like a slap in the face. The signs of civilization death, as the poster laminated now crumpled hung along the main street of the ruins of a city decrepit, or the coins scattered on the ground that they no longer have any value.
And again, a family photo album open on the coffee table, half-covered by vegetation, in an apartment where nature is reappropriated slowly of its spaces. Here and there photos that depict a wedding or graduation of someone who no longer exists and that no one will remember ever. Fragments of lives interrupted in a flash. The Last of Us Naughty Dog, in short, he has been able to stimulate the imagination of the public, and push it to explore every nook and cranny of a place not only to recover useful items, but also to savour these details . Aspect that we hope to find, as written at the beginning of the article, also in The Last of Us II: from this point of view can do is wait for our review, coming this Friday, June 12, at 9:00 in the morning, when every detail of the game will be finally revealed.