The Last of Us Part II is the spectacular farewell of Naughty Dog on PS4 - article

Talking about it in advance is not easy. We played with it, it's true, but we can only tell a small part of our experience and show you assets already seen during the State of Play last week. What we can safely tell you, however, is that The Last of Us Part II will not disappoint you. From a technical point of view, this is a logical evolution of the path that started from The Last of Us Remastered and passed through Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy, which now culminates in the last work of Naughty Dog.
Some basic aspects are easy to tell, since they have not changed since the various trailers shown and not even by Uncharted 4. The resolution on PlayStation 4 Pro is still 1440p, backed by the temporal anti-aliasing, while the frame- rate is a solid 30fps with few hiccups, even improved from what we saw in Uncharted 4. In short, on the front of image quality and fluidity, we say that we do not expect big complaints.
having Said this, however, like The Last of Us pushed the graphics engine Naughty Dog to evolve beyond what was seen with the adventures of Nathan Drake on the PS3, also here the aesthetic is very different thanks to the emphasis on indirect lighting. The story of Joel and Elly takes place in a world lit up in the majority of cases exclusively from the sun, with only some environments that are enriched by other sources of light. The interactions between the lighting, the rich geometry and the material well made is of the first level, the results are often beautiful even in their atmosphere distressing. Also the density of what you see on the screen is impressive: we move to a world where nature has taken over, and Naughty Dog has succeeded in the task that is not easy to represent grass, foliage, and trees whose organic nature.
To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings According to the Digital Foundry, The Last of Us Part II is beautiful.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel The special attention to lighting and fidelity of the image was among the objectives of the development at the time of The Last of Us, only regarding now the original on the PS3 (and even the remaster on PS4) the impression is that the shaders were significantly more dishes, giving the image an atmosphere that is almost cartoony. Is the search for realism to be noticed. Naughty Dog has been able to leverage the console to improve the quality of the materials and lighting, while also focusing on a system of shadows that he manages to make every scene solid and in step with the artistic direction. Also the realization of the water is excellent. In fact, let's just say that it is possible to isolate the various components of the technical realization in order to appreciate the quality, but it is when combined all together that the environments are less complex, are surprisingly substantial.
net of The technical aspect, however, the one that probably intrigues most of The Last of Us Part II, told Neil Druckmann of Naughty Dog during the State of Play: the feeling that Ellie is embarking on a journey to a wider world. Despite all its quality, the first episode was an experience rather linear. To remove the graphics spectacular, there was to proceed along a corridor. As said during the State of Play is suggesting a different approach, perhaps making echo to the settings most extensive views in Uncharted 4: The Lost Legacy.
Give the player an experience more rich and wide and is clearly among the objectives of TLOU2, but again this is what we have seen during the presentation to demonstrate it the best. There we found the obvious improvements to the AI compared to the first chapter, when Ellie must make their way through a battle between humans and the infected, distracting enemies, especially when you see the companion controlled by AI. In the first episode, the relationship between Ellie and Joel, not resulting in lifelike behavior during the gameplay, while the video of the State of Play shows the partner more attentive and proactive, revealing a significant improvement.
To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings, The Last of Us Part II is really the swan song of the PS4? A bit yes, but let's not forget the Ghost of Tsushima.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, Unfortunately at the moment we can say very little else, both on technical and gameplay, but the idea that The Last of Us Part II has the same role as its predecessor, only moved a generation, is tantalizing. Once again we have an epic adventure Naughty Dog on the market five months of the next-gen (probably), and once again this is a production that has all the cards in rule to represent the state of the art of what is conquered in this generation. A perfect greeting to the PS4, in short, like the first it was for PS3.
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Putting aside the similarities, however, we also see differences in positioning between the two games of the series. First of all, this time the exclusive Sony first-party are not finished yet, seeing that Ghost of Tsushima Sucker Punch seems to be of a high level. And then there is the idea of latent a possible landing of The Last of Us Part II on the PlayStation 5, maybe even at launch.
The first TLOU was ported to PS4, it is true, but it was different. It was a project which was used by Naughty Dog to adapt the engine to the new console, and took all the necessary time coming out eight months after the console. It is likely that a work so intense, it is not necessary to bring TLOU2 on PlayStation 5, where the transition could be softer. Both TLOU2 that Ghost of Tsushima could be the answer of Sony to the "smart delivery" of Microsoft, even if there are no declarations in this regard. The idea to buy them now on PS4, and play them then in the future also on PS5, improved version, is without a doubt interesting, maybe 60fps or a higher resolution.
The first The Last of Us was a masterpiece came at the twilight of the PlayStation 3, and at this point there are few doubts about the ability of Naughty Dog to repeat on the PlayStation 4 and the PS4 Pro. But the second episode may also give us some idea of what we can expect from the future? Perhaps we'll know more during the event, Sony is dedicated to games PS5, but for now, we only postpone the appointment with for more information at the launch of The Last of Us Part II. You'll see some beautiful.