The Last of Us Part 2: violence and empathy will be linked, no 'heroes' and 'villains'

Halley Gross, co-writer of the title, has recently returned to the topic Naughty Dog, who offered the Polygon editorial staff further clarification on the path that the software house has chosen to take. "This game - he reiterated - focuses entirely on the issue of making difficult decisions. Even in gameplay, we want you to perceive on your own skin every little choice that these characters have to make. So, you will face the woman accompanied by a dog, or Do you prefer to risk and try to get around it in a stealth way? We want you to feel it in every choice you make. Guilt is therefore a consequence, a repercussion of a choice - and not always, but often, it can also be a signal to learn and grow ".
In The Last of Us Part 2, highlights Halley Gross, there will be an indissoluble link between violence and empathy, in a game in which Naughty Dog has made every effort to to paint a world where there aren't simply "heroes" and "villains": "Our goal is to make sure that, being next to Ellie in every decision, watching the interlude scenes and discovering all the weight it carries on itself , although not sv you empathize with her decisions, even if you are not sharing them, you can understand why she feels obliged to do them or feels that she cannot stop herself from making a certain gesture ".
For further details, pending the publication of the game, on the pages of Everyeye our Francesco Fossetti discusses the gameplay of The Last of Us Part 2.