The Last of Us Part 2: tips and tricks to eliminate Shamblers

The Shamblers are large infected that cannot be stolen or fought in any way through the use of melee weapons . To be honest, it would be better never to try to even approach one of these monstrous mutated creatures, since they are capable of generating acid explosions that damage those in their range over time. So how do you get past the areas where Shamblers roam? One of the possibilities is surely to give it a leg, even if not everyone embraces this philosophy and there are those who do not pass a single checkpoint without having made a clean sweep. If you want to kill Shamblers at all costs, we suggest you arm yourself with Molotov cocktails (to which they are vulnerable) and explosive traps. First of all, take out all the Runners and Clickers nearby and then try to place traps: at this point, make sure to attract them to the explosives placed by making noise or throwing objects such as bricks and bottles. If the trap strategy doesn't work, attack them with a Molotov cocktail (making sure you hit them in full) and, if things go wrong and the Shambler should spot you, you just have to take the shotgun and hit it as many times as possible to shoot it down once and for all.
Speaking of shotguns, have you already read our guide to the best weapon upgrades of The Last of Us Part 2?