The Last of Us Part 2: Guide to using enemies as a shield

The young Ellie can in fact grab any human enemy and use it as if it were a shield to protect herself from shots of firearms and keep enemies nearby. All you have to do to use an NPC as a shield is to sneak behind him and press the Square button: in this way Ellie will grab him and be able to move with him. In this phase it is possible to move through the use of the left analog stick and aim by holding down the L2 key (and, of course, shoot with R2). When you no longer need the enemy, you can decide whether to eliminate him with a melee attack by pressing the Square button or to shoot him in the head with the pressure of R2.
It should be specified that this technique can only be performed on enemies humans and runners, since all other types of infected are immune to this kind of attack.
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