The Last of Us Part 2 attacked by users: is there a solution to the 'Metacritic problem'?

In the face of a welcome from the gaming critics to say the least warm , The Last of Us Part 2 was hit by review bombing, with a considerable amount of users who wanted to attack the title by assigning it a sonorous rejection on Metacritic. With a User Score currently slightly above 3/10, it is clear that the average drawn by the players does not reflect in any way the quality of the Naughty Dog game: the reasons for voting like 4/10 or even 0/10 must therefore be traced elsewhere.
This phenomenon, not at all new in the gaming industry, has given us the opportunity to reflect on the role of Metacritic and on the freedom of expression attributed to the community by the platform. Can there be a way to stem the problem of review bombing without limiting the possibility for the public to express themselves on a given production? Everyeye editorial team tells you about it in a dedicated video, which you can find directly at the beginning of this news and on the Everyeye YouTube channel: good viewing!
In closing, we point out the recent publication of a message from Neil Druckmann addressed to fans.