The Last of Us 2: a video shows how graphics have improved since 2017

As anticipated by the comparative shots on the graphics of The Last of Us 2 of the Twitter user known as JustAnLED, also the comparison made by the content creator on YouTube highlights the improvements made by Naughty Dog to the post-apocalyptic blockbuster coming out on June 19 on PlayStation 4.
The direct comparison between the video of the Paris Games Week at the end of 2017 and the video from the last State of Play shows the interventions made by Neil Druckmann and his companions to evolve the graphic sector and the artistic tenor of the work. The differences that can be observed by observing this comparison are manifold and denote, among other things, an enhancement of the lighting system, an increase in the quality of the textures and the use of more realistic shaders for bodies of water and wet surfaces.
We leave to you any further comment or judgment on this comparative video, but first we refer you to the vision of this trailer on the 10 things to know about The Last of Us 2 before the title sees the light of the stores exclusively on PS4.