The Last of Us 2, a store appears to have been flooded with returns

The photo shows an exhibitor full of packs of The Last of Us 2, with a sign attached saying: "Dear customers, in light of recent events we have had to change some things. We will temporarily suspend the trade- in games, until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience. "
The image leaves so many doubts as to what is claimed by the detractors of the game, according to which many would buy The Last of Us 2 and, feeling loathing for its contents, they would bring it back, forcing stores to implement such policies.
The first doubt concerns the fact that so far only this photo has emerged to plead the thesis of the anti The Last of Us 2. It is possible that disappointed users have concentrated in a single store, while in the rest of the world are there traces of this situation?
Furthermore, the sign is positioned in a really strange way. Why put it on an exhibitor and not in a shop window, given that the blocking of returns seems to be a general measure?
Finally, it seems that the chain of stores photographed has exhibited similar signs on other occasions. For example, after the launch of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, therefore the provision would not specifically concern the game of Naughty Dog.
If we want, therefore, more than the sign of the game's failure, it is that of yet another attack of a certain alignment on the work of Druckmann and associates. 👀
- 올가 ìœ ë¦¬ 예나 세리 아브 키나 (@ blue_j3ans) June 21, 2020