The Last of Us 2: gameplay no spoiler, no cutscene with Francesco Fossetti

Enclosed in this one hour and fifty minute video you will find many hot considerations accompanied by gameplay scenes which testify, if needed, the extraordinary stratification of the playful experience offered by the title.
In the huge content puzzle of TLOU 2 we find a heart-pounding combat system, an impeccable narrative progression and a pathos that runs throughout history, thanks to the great freedom guaranteed by the work in exploring the areas of the map , as well as in the choice of the approach to be adopted to overcome the most severe challenges against human enemies and beings changed by Cordyceps.
What do you think of the latest work by Neil Druckmann? While we're at it, we remind you that on these pages you will also find our review of The Last of Us Part 2 and an in-depth analysis of the Digital Foundry video analysis that defines TLOU 2 technically impressive.