The ladies of the screens - Kamala and Fabiola: I never ...

The ladies of the screens - Kamala and Fabiola: I never ...
Diversity is one of the most sensitive and addressed issues in cinema, making films and TV series rise to the important and delicate role of spokesperson and speaker of points of view on delicate issues. The "big" in the sector do it, like Disney and its short Out, Netflix does it with more and more titles hosted on its platform. Some believe that constantly tackling a theme does nothing but highlight its problematic nature and the diversity of the players involved; we prefer to call it information and demonstration of how abnormal there is. Just like what happens in Never Have I Ever, in Italian I have never…, the series that landed on Netflix on April 27 and which has proved to be a real melting pot of races and cultures living together in the same American town.

To find out more about the short Out and the Pride Month theme, find our article here.

Kamala: traditionally in chains

Lo we note from the very first episode, and it is precisely the protagonist to present it to us: Kamala, young and beautiful cousin of Devi Vishwakumar, is a source of discontent and envy in the protagonist with whom she must share the same roof, in addition to the quarrels with her mother, Dr. Nalini. Apparently beautiful and perfect, with an exotic charm such as to make young suitors who woo her go off the road, but it's all useless.

Not because Kamala is icy and precious, or because do not "mix" with ethnic groups other than the Indian one, far from it. Her private life is much more complicated than her professional life, which depicts her as a brilliant PhD student in biology and with a career leveled on American soil. Kamala would really like to live like any girl belonging to the "free western culture" (is she really?), But it isn't.

If you missed the review of Never have I ..., you can recover her immediately to this link.

Kamala has a secret, and it is not the only one in the series I never...; nothing terrible, chiariamoci, but could be a really disgrace to decency and forceful as the old-fashioned hindu tradition that obliges her to accept an arranged marriage with a person that not even know and. His secret, however, is that he has already given her heart to Steve, a young chinese boy with whom she has a relationship for a few months.

one knows all the other, they are a couple really tender and who knows how to live in harmony, the relationship of sincere love and quiet, but noblesse (or, better, tradition) of course, and Kamala is called to comply with its obligations . What to look forward to? Nalini suggests drastically, and by demonstrating a cool head and a calculator, to get married and return to America to continue his university career and not give up their addiction.

Although this may be a good compromise, the girl seems excited. In search of answers in TV series such as Riverdale or exchanging a few confidence with a girl from the indian community in the city, but the answers he has already in his heart. Only the fear of the braking.

Fabiola: the fear of diversity

Kamala is not the only one to fear the reaction of society and of the closest relatives, revealing his identity and his feelings, to you so clear, but that fear is so risky. In the eyes of who? A family man, and anchored to the traditions which are rigid and stifling? It may be, but not the Fabiola lives for the better her situation. A few years later the young of the phd, the girl is one of the two best friends of You , high, from thick and riccissimi black hair and of african origin.

No, we are not calling into question the very timely question posed by the hashtag #blacklivesmatter, is not about ethnicity, but, once again, of sexual identity . If at the beginning of the series, the three friends You have, Eleanor, and Fabiola decide to start looking for a guy to exit and, hopefully, establish a relationship, right Fabiola is the one that shows more effort and a little interest in the boy that he attends.

The “report”, to be understood as a pair of outputs for an ice cream or things like that, you quit quickly and painlessly, because the interest of the girl is facing decidedly elsewhere. This is Eve, his companion, of course, slender and rather pretty, but that doesn't seem to reciprocate it initially , and had already given his heart to another lucky.

Fabiola not even able to reveal this secret to the family , after it is gathered also from remote with a videocall to allow the brother to attend, just not easy.

The first to come to the knowledge of his secret is the robot that has made for the course of sciences, of which he is borne, and then Eleanor, who welcomes you with great joy this revelation . Everything is easy between friends, apparently, but a little less for the girl, who once again is portrayed as the young man who refuses to go to the beauty centre for a manicure or who is really afraid of revealing his identity only to the inner circle of his affections.

The two faces of the same coin

Kamala and Fabiola are the two sides of the same coin of the state of modern society with which we live; if on the one hand, we have, therefore, a difficulty linked to ancient traditions , which, however, dictate misery, and married life is probably cold and is bound only to the obligations and duties, and not to the true feelings and to a free choice of the individual, their partner. On the other we have to deal with a social stigma that is still too deeply-rooted and painful for the one who has to bear with him.

the Two conditions are not easy, more itchy, and the other, but the one linked to difficulties in expressing the own identity is definitely dictated by ignorance and by the fear of psychological and ancestral that leads the human being to recoil instinctively from the “different” . Different from whom? to say it with the title of the film, with Luca Argentero and Claudia Gerini, who in 2009 brought on the screen, the complications related to the externalization of one's own homosexuality , in the specific case.

The clear message that I never... want to launch is that the difficulties and stereotypes relationships are always (unfortunately) alive and active in contemporary society, which cries publicly his open-mindedness and acceptance of others , but that is almost a declaration obligation and the facade if we look then to the dissensions that divide ethnic groups, sexual orientations, simple differing opinions.

therefore, If the fight and the will to oppress are two elements intrinsic to human nature, it is good to channel all this energy in a battle more useful for all, in a contradiction, is often cited to contribute to the struggle for peaceful coexistence between human beings.

Accept that yes, we have to deal every day with people who are different from us, but still human in their nature , each with needs, needs, and struggles in unjust and sometimes dangerous to their balance.

Be kind to your neighbor, because you could have your same need to tell you a secret that it feels so heavy, but lately so light if you share it with an open mind, and welcoming. It is not a condition that we would like to find all, in the event of extreme difficulty?

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