Tales of Festival: the dates of the virtual event, what's new for Tales of Arise?

Bandai Namco has in fact announced that starting from 13:00 on 14 June, or in one of the dates initially planned, a Tales of Festival will take place in virtual format, with smaller dimensions and above all greater oriented towards fun. This initiative is specifically addressed to the fans of the series, but Bandai Namco has already put his hands forward explaining clearly that no announcement will be made. Unfortunately, this means that we cannot expect any update on the development status of Tales of Arise, a new chapter in the series announced a year ago at Microsoft's E3 2019 conference.
Tales of Arise is officially expected for the 2020 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but it must be said that the game does not show up from the Tokyo Game Show 2019 and we do not know to what extent its development was influenced by the Coronavirus emergency. The real Tales of Festival, the event that promises to give us juicy news, has even been postponed to March 2021, and many are online to fear a postponement of Tales of Arise. In recent times Bandai Namco has postponed the launch of Tales of Crestoria for mobile devices (originally set early this month) indefinitely. Will Tales of Arise also suffer the same fate? In the absence of official communications, we cannot know for sure.