Source of Madness: revealed the Gothic roguelike for PC and Switch, here is the video gameplay

Source of Madness: revealed the Gothic roguelike for PC and Switch, here is the video gameplay

Absolutely not to miss the appointment with the Guerrilla Collective, the authors of Carry Castle attended the digital event to announce Source of Madness, a 2D adventure of the roguelike genre in development on PC and in the console version for Nintendo Switch only.

The title is inspired by the immortal works of H.P. Lovecraft and, drawing inspiration from the work of the nightmare master, projects us into a parallel dimension populated by gigantic deformed creatures and horrors of all sorts.

The game world of Source of Madness will be constantly evolving , thanks to a procedural generation engine that will create unique biomes, enemies with unpredictable artificial intelligence and environmental puzzles to solve using spells with effects that affect the physical ingame. To enrich the playful offer and content of the title, NPCs will be able to offer us always new missions and secondary activities within a disturbing microcosm with four bosses to shoot down.

Source's release of Madness is expected in 2021 on PC and Nintendo Switch, in both cases with Thunderful in the role of publisher. Feel free to use the comments form to share your opinion on this dark-colored project and, more generally, on this particular type of indie experience. If you missed them, we also propose the announcement trailer of The Eternal Cylinder and the new Coreupt gameplay video, both admired during the second day of the Guerrilla Collective.

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