Sky Wifi: less dishes, more fiber

Those antennas will disappear. And with them perhaps a whole period will disappear and all that has represented for the Italian market: the era of fiber has come and Sky could be its protagonist both as an end (by virtue of the contents offered) and as a medium (by virtue of the new offer announced). The replacement has begun, unavoidable, incontrovertible: roof after roof, balcony after balcony, FTTH after FTTH.
The fiber arrives, the Sky door Times will not be dictated by Sky, but Sky will definitely press on the accelerator. The times are those of the coverage of the country, are those of the reduction of the digital divide in the white areas, are those of the investments of Open Fiber in the territory. The times are those of the chronic delay of broadband Italy, which now runs in a disordered and uncoordinated way to try to create an attractive user base for anyone who wants to invest in fiber. While politics will decide what to do with the hypothetical "One Network" (which Ibarra himself theorizes during his speech), companies have a duty to invest, sell, monetize and grow.
The step that will Sky is to offer connectivity that you can convey those elements which up to now had been carried into the homes through the satellite antennas. The technical will fall from the roofs, where possible: by the views of the district you erase the view of the parables, because it will not be needed. Where there is fibre, in fact, will Sky Wifi, and the contents will go from there . It is not a matter of personal choice: the option of fiber will be more efficient, less costly, more powerful, more rich , “ another house “. The parabolic antenna is the past, simply will remain where the fiber has not yet arrived, as a sort of flag of SOS from the balconies will wave in appeal to the authorities and to the telco.
Thanks to fiber will probably format more rich, more interactivity, perhaps even superior image quality (we are working on). It is not only an evolution of the instrument, in short, but of the same Sky: Sky Q will be the new standard soon , so, as a new normality of which we have heard for the first time, the true necessity in the moment when the lockdown has locked in the house. When the bandwidth consumption is demanding, when the streaming will add up and the needs are urgent, have a network of the height becomes a question of well-being Gross domestic ecosystem at home. The fiber is so that the scarce resource par excellence – the connectivity – can flow in abundance and with rivoli intelligent to those who are in most need: Sky Wifi is the answer to this situation, and Sky Wifi Hub is the piece of furniture that enters the houses by taking out via network cables, and the large balconies.
An epoch-making change, of which Sky Italia is the protagonist for the need and ambition: the timing will be dictated by the distance that the Open Fiber will be able to move, but surely the novelty of today can't that be gasoline thrown on the fire. After the summer a little more than 100 Italian cities will be covered , while the rest of the Country, you ask, “ and why can't we? “. Buzz Open Fiber: the Sky Ultra Network travels on their fiber, cabinet after cabinet, up to your house.