Science fiction sagas to read: our advice

What are the science fiction sagas to read? Here are our tips Going beyond recognized masterpieces of the genre, we have tried to create a selection of alternative proposals for interesting readings, including new proposals and classics of the genre
The Cycle of Dunes The Expanse Trilogy of the Sprawl Saga of the Giants The Rama's Cycle Eymerich's Cycle Lucky Starr's Cycle Metroverse Invasion and Colonization Takeshi Kovacs Trilogy Ender's Cycle Radch Trilogy The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Cycle of the Foundation , landing in cinema in 1982, giving birth to video games and TV series. Waiting to see how Villeneuve will bring Arrakis and La Spezia back to the cinema, we can review this long saga, inaugurated by Frank Herbert and continued by his son Brian, with the help of Kevin J. Anderson. Frank Herbert was responsible for the initial intuition, which led him to create a future baroque society animated by conspiracies and court games, while his son Brian, working on his father's notes, gave birth to the prequels of the main events of the saga, in addition to some short novels that deepen aspects little treated among the chapters written by the father.
In Italy the six books written by Herbert senior are available, while for the prequels signed by the son one must go hunting for old editions of the first, based on the houses that populate the universe of Dune, moving on to reading in the original language for the most recent volumes